We are extremely excited to be a sponsor of the Second Annual Sip and Swap event to raise funds for Girls Inc. of NYC. The mission of Girls Inc. of New York City is to inspire all girls to be strong, smart, and bold through direct service and advocacy. Girls Inc. serves girls ages 6 – 18 from diverse ethnic, racial, and socio-economic backgrounds. 45% of girls served are ages 12 – 18, a reflection of our focus on serving girls during developmentally crucial years of middle and high school. 70% identify as girls of color. Nearly 65% of the girls we serve live in families earning $30,000 or less a year, and 11% live in a household with an annual income of $10,000 or less.

Comments (1)
I just purchased the detangling brush. I wish I had made my order sooner, so that I could have gotten 2; now the brush is sold out :(. I hope there’s a newsletter to detail when more will become available.